Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Just like we were in the same garage
So as you know, I've been spinning away in the garage for 1.5 years now, because heading into M2's just wasn't convenient for my commute/work schedule anymore. And sure, there are other instructors in Marin, but I just decided I'd rather do my own workouts in the garage versus paying someone else to kick my ass. So yes, go ahead and say it, I was being cheap!

However, born out of the necessity to 1. keep up on the latest between the Marin and Portland, and 2. keep the magic alive of the garage rain-day circuit training, Dana and I have been spinning while on a video call via Skype! So much better than just sitting on the phone, and it makes 60-75 minutes seem much shorter on the bike!

B-rian even stopped in to say "Hi"!
Jesse - you're next! You and Jeff need to set up a Skyping-ing workout. I bet it works between Denver and Marin just as well! And, if B-rian and T-roy want to join in, you boys could hook up via Google circles so all of you could connect. I guess the same goes for us girls, too!

Anyway, just putting it out there as a way to make those long, winter, indoor training sessions that are upon us a little less painful, with company from your FOMO teammates!


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