Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Spinach? In my Smoothie?

So for the last 2 years, I've worked a fantastic morning smoothie into my pre-workout ritual - typically on Saturday and Sunday mornings. It contains all the basics - berries, almond milk, protein powder, banana (for Jeff) and some chia seeds; maybe a tbsp of almond butter if it's a big workout day. 

Now, I thought I was going out on a limb because I was putting avocado into my smoothies - for calories and for texture. Surprisingly, you don't taste the avocado (kind of a shame, really). But then, certain members of team FOMO (not mentioning names, but it might have been those who own Vitamixes) started espousing the virtues of spinach in smoothies. I was a non-believer. I think it stemmed from an unfortunate Kale shake incident in 2007 that scarred me.

That being said, today, my fellow teammates, I became a believer! I have now added spinach to smoothies for a whole week, and I gotta say, I haven't even noticed (and that's a good thing!). Now I get an extra serving of green veggies without any extra effort! Fab!

Thanks Team Vitamix for getting me an extra serving of leafy greens!


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